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McGlaun, Randy Principal
Carter, Joseph Assistant Principal

Bell, John Director of Bands
Carter, Joseph Assistant Principal
Clark, David Agriscience, Construction Framing and Metal Fabrication
Crum, Nikki Librarian
Etheridge, Kristan Special Education
Ingram, Tony Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG)
Kelley, Dawn Special Services (Grades 9 - 12) & Head Volleyball Coach
Kyzar, Keron Algebra I, Geometry, Beta Club Sponsor and Mu Alpha Theta Sponsor
Lambert, Britta Science (Grades 7 and 8)
Locke, Traci Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physical Science and Physics
McGlaun, Randy Principal
Nall, Melissa Counselor
O'Reilly, Gavin English (Grades 10, 11 and 12)
Shelnutt, Meg Government, Economics, U. S. History and Student Council Sponsor
Sims, James English (Grades 7, 8 and 9)
Skipper, Kenneth History/Football
Smith, Todd
Snider, Jamie Jr. High Math
Watkins, Heath Biology, Physical Science, Environmental Science

Bowers, Robin Bookkeeper
Knowles, Jeanetta TRR
Short, Janie CNP Manager
Skipper, Sandy Secretary